To protect your rights under the Privacy Amendment Act (Private Sector) 2000, the South Lake Macquarie RSL sub-Branch has introduced the following Protocols.
INFORMATION COLLECTION 1. RSL Authority Form. This is a document advising the DVA of appointment of the South Lake Macquarie RSL sub-Branch to act on your behalf in regard to any pension claim or other dealing with that department. 2. Consent to DVA Disclosing Personal Information to Ex-Service Organisations. This form together with the Authority Form is presented on one sheet of paper. When completed and duly signed by you this form provides authorisation to the DVA to disclose personal information relevant to your claim or appeal to the South Lake Macquarie RSL sub-Branch. Relevant information is determined by the box/es ticked on the form. 3. Freedom of Information – Application for Access to Documents. This is a DVA form completed by you in conjunction with your Advocate to access your service and medical records. INFORMATION STORAGE Information collected by the South Lake Macquarie RSL sub-Branch by way of the completed forms, accessing your service and medical files held by DVA, letters from medical professionals and interviews with authorised personnel, is collected and retained in a manila file. The file is maintained under secure conditions until your case is finalised with no further appeals registered. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE The information collected will be used only for that purpose specified on the form Consent to DVA Disclosing Personal Information to Ex-Service Organisations. The information will not be disclosed for a secondary purpose unless that purpose is one the South Lake Macquarie RSL sub-Branch believes you would reasonably expect the information to be used for that secondary purpose. ACCESS TO PERSONAL INFORMATION Private information will be made available, at no cost to you, upon request in person, on written and signed instructions by you or by contacting the advocate within normal office working hours. In the event an applicant no longer wishes to be represented by the South Lake Macquarie RSLsub-Branch, information will be provided to the new representative only on written and signed instructions of applicant. CORRECTIONS TO INFORMATION Reasonable steps will be taken, on request, to correct inaccuracies in information or append an explanation. SENSITIVE INFORMATION No information is recorded on: • racial or ethnic origins – save for use in determining eligibility entitlements to services provided by the Institution, • political opinions or memberships of a political association. • Religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliations. • Membership of professional or trade associations, including trade unions. • Sexual preferences or practices; or information relating to criminal record. DISPOSAL OF INFORMATION When a claim or appeal has been finalized with no further appeal registered your documents will be returned to you, either in person or by written and signed instructions by you, the documents will be sent via registered post. |